Tuesday, August 28, 2012

So he suggested a bike trip...

So when my boyfriend Jake suggested we cycle around Australia I agreed to it in the same sense that I agreed to take Spanish classes, join the gym or become passionate about politics - it was another of his obsessive phases that would eventually pass. At the time I had never owned a bike and other than riding around playgrounds when I was less than a metre high, I've never really ridden a bike either. Eventually Jake convinced me to buy my first bike - a purple Europa road racer! Riding it for me was one of the scariest things I've never done and taught me that the phrase 'It's just like riding a bike' is not necessarily literal. 
So eventually our cash started disappearing on more and more gear until now we have both bikes (Jake's is a gigantic green bike and mine a smaller purple bike), with all the gear (had to learn the word pan-ni-er) and some extra luxuries (couldn't resist purple pedals or purple bar tape) ready to go with the biggest speed bump being the last three subjects of my degree. 
I hope the biggest contribution I can add to this blog is one of a non-rider. Give you a real description of how tough or easy it is and the challenges that us normal non bicycle obsessed folk have to deal with. 
I second Jake's welcome for anyone to contact us with advice or even more so a leg or two to give us someone else to chat to!

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